Career Seekers
Whether you're looking to advance your career, find your next job, or want to go back to school, we're here to help. You're a couple of clicks away to access thousands of job openings. Employers need job seekers with many types of skill sets and experience. There are also jobs that require no experience. We can help with a variety of services.
Search for Job Openings
The New Mexico Workforce Connection Online System has a large pool of job postings from employers throughout the state. Search by keyword, use additional quick search options or search by job order number.
Click HERE to begin your search
Post or Create Your Résumé
With the online Résumé Builder, you can create, store, and update multiple online résumés. Tailor each résumé to
custom-fit each desired position. Click HERE to go to the New Mexico Workforce Connection Online System. On that home page, click on Individual under Search for a Job. Click Continue as Guest. On the new page, you will see a link for Résumé Builder under Job Seeker Services. You will be required to log into the New Mexico Workforce Connection Online System to access this feature.
Tuition Assistance
Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), you may be eligible to receive up to $15,000 in federal funds (not a loan) to help pay for a degree or certificate program. In addition, you may be eligible for On-the-Job training programs.
Click HERE for more information about Tuition Assistance
Veteran Services
Employment-related services are available to veterans and their family members including matching your military skills and experiences to civilian careers, searching for jobs in your local area or across the United States, and accessing other benefits.
Click HERE for a list of services and resources
Click HERE to go to the CareerOneStop Veteran and Military Transition Center
Are you a job seeker interested in becoming an apprentice? Apprenticeships provide affordable pathways to high-paying jobs and careers without the typical student debt associated with college. Career seekers can find apprenticeships in industries such as information technology, finance and business, healthcare, hospitality, transportation, and manufacturing.
94 percent of apprentices who complete an apprenticeship stay employed in their job, with an average annual salary of $70,000.
Click HERE to learn more about apprenticeships
Job Interview Tips
Job interviews are important. The purpose of a job interview is for you and an employer to learn about one another. Employers want to evaluate your qualifications and find a good fit for their business. An interview is your opportunity to learn more about an employer and the available job.
Click HERE for interview tips
Outreach Materials
Click here to view digital versions of our outreach materials.