As an employer, you need a better way to sort through thousands of job seekers with the right skills to help your organization stay competitive. Our services can help you find the right candidate for your job opening and help you reduce your turnover costs.
How do we do it? Our database categorizes each job seeker into certain occupational categories, based on skill sets, credentials, and interests. You can search for candidates by occupational category to narrow the list of candidates you wish to contact. In addition, we can do a skills analysis on your job opening and match it to the skills assessments that were done with job seekers - this provides a better job match between you and the candidates.
Read more below about services available to employers.
Labor Market Information
Economic Research and Analysis Bureau (ER&A) is the principal source of labor market information for the state. ER&A collects, analyses, and disseminates this data in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Employment and Training Administration (ETA).
Search for Talent
As an employer, you need a better way to sort through thousands of job seekers with the right skills needed to help your organization stay competitive. Our services can help you find the right candidate for your job opening and help you reduce your turnover costs. Search by area, occupation (e.g. Accountant), occupational group, minimum and maximum educational levels, or by veteran status.
Click HERE to search for talent
Write a Job Description
The O*NET Program is the nation's primary source of occupational information. Valid data are essential to understanding the rapidly changing nature of work and how it impacts the workforce and the U.S. economy. The O*NET database contains hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors on almost 1,000 occupations covering the entire U.S. economy. The Toolkit for Business contains examples and case studies illustrating how O*NET information can help you with writing job descriptions or helping employees identify necessary skills for advancement.
Click here to use O*NET OnLine
Post Jobs for Free
Let New Mexico Workforce Connection connect you to New Mexico's skilled workforce. If you need to hire workers, post your jobs on the New Mexico Workforce Connection Online System at no cost to you. Every day, job seekers search our database for their next career opportunity. Staff is also available to connect employers with qualified job seekers.
Click here to post a job opportunity
Training Reimbursement
If you have employees, a big part of your business's success is training your new employees and existing employees with the skills and knowledge that are required for their jobs. There are two different reimbursement programs offered by New Mexico Workforce Connection: On-the-Job Training and Customized Training, with reimbursements of 50% and 75% available.
Click here to learn more about On-the-Job Training
Click here to learn more about Customized Training
Are you a business interested in starting an apprenticeship or career pathway program? Apprenticeship and Pathway Programs puts your company's need for a skilled workforce in your hands. Train the kind of employees you want working for you with on-the-job training and classroom instruction. This combination puts employees' skills and knowledge into practice immediately.
Click HERE to learn more about apprenticeships
Hire A Veteran
There are many benefits to hiring a veteran. Military members are trained to be leaders. They have strong work ethics, and the proven ability to learn new skills and concepts. Veterans received special training and education and can enter your workforce with transferable skills proven in real-world situations. In addition to the many skills a veteran can bring forth, you may qualify for special tax credits by employing a veteran.
Click here to learn more about tax credits for hiring veterans
Outreach Materials
Click here to view digital versions of our outreach materials.