Attention High School Seniors!
Are you interested in becoming a Dental Assistant?
New Mexico Workforce Connection's Youth Program has Tuition Assistance available for you!
New Mexico Workforce Connection's Youth Services program is partnering with the Socorro Dental, LLC - New Mexico Dental Institute to enroll new students in their Summer Dental Assistant Program. Representatives will be in Socorro, NM on May 23, 2022 to enroll YOU! Classes are every Friday for 8 consecutive weeks beginning Friday, June 10, 2022. Students receiving tuition assistance must attend all 8 classes.
Enrollment Deadline is Friday, May 27, 2022.
Summer Program Benefits Include:
mileage reimbursement to and from classes
$125 incentive when you obtain the Dental Assistant Certificate
Eligibility Requirements Apply:
Must be 18 years of age on or before May 20, 2022
Must have a high school diploma on or before May 20, 2022
Must reside in one of the following Southwestern New Mexico counties: Catron, Doña Ana, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra, Socorro
Must attend all 8 consecutive classes
If you do not live in Socorro and cannot be present when representatives visit on May 23, 2022, you can still attend! Please complete this 2022 Summer Dental Program Contact Form.
New Mexico Workforce Connection's Youth Services program is a year-round program for youth ages 16-24.
Alternative Secondary School
Paid and Unpaid work experiences
Occupational Skills Training
Education offered concurrently with workforce preparation and training
Leadership Development
Supportive Services
Adult Mentoring
Follow-up Services
Guidance and Counseling
Financial Literacy Education
Entrepreneurial Skills Training
Labor market and employment information
Post-secondary education transition activities
225-325 hours of paid work experience at $13.00 per hour
Placements aligned to career interest
Great training opportunity to gain work experience and employability skills
Employability skills training provided prior to placement
Possibility of employment placement
Up to $15,000 of assistance available for training by an approved Eligibility Training Provider in a demand occupation
depending on degree or certification and years of training (limited by year)
Assistance with child care, transportation, one-time medical costs, and temporary shelter
Special supportive services available for testing fees, work clothes, tools, background checks, drug tests, rent, gas
or electric assistance, car insurance, vehicle repair or registration renewal, and equipment for on line training.
INCENTIVES {1 per category)
$150 Attainment of High School Diploma or Equivalency/ Dual enrollment +$50
$150 Increase in Reading or Math TABE scores (one functioning level)
$125 Successful completion of OJT or Apprenticeship program
$125 Completion of one full semester of secondary or post-secondary ("C" average & full-time schedule)
$125 Skill Progression/Attainment of certificate for occupational knowledge-based examinations
$100 Employment retention
Eligibility requirements apply.
If you are interested in speaking with someone about New Mexico Workforce Connection's Youth Services program, complete this YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM CONTACT FORM.