Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board
Amended Board Meeting Agenda
Virtual Meeting via Zoom or Phone
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Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (MDT)
Mr. Joshua Orozco—Board Chair
Ms. Alisa Estrada—Board Vice Chair
I. Call to Order
II. Introduction of New Board Members
III. Roll Call and Abstentions
IV. **Public Comment (3-Minute Limit)
V. Approval of Agenda
VI. Consent Agenda Items (Items marked with an asterisk * are considered consent agenda items as shown in the consent agenda section below. These items are approved with the motion to approve the agenda unless a member requests that a specific item be removed for its own action. There is no discussion on these items)
a) *Approval of the August 6, 2020 meeting minutes
b) *Resolution 20 – 07 certifies the Board Chair's new member committee appointments
VII. Professional Development
a) City Councilor Gandara
b) Draft of Four-year Plan Update
VIII. Discussion, Consideration and Possible Action Regarding
a) Resolution 20 – 08 ratifies the Executive Committee's resolution to authorize an exemption to the ITA Policy 17 - 08.5 allowing a prorated ITA contract for a participant
b) Resolution 20 – 09 approves the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board Budget Adjustment
c) Resolution 20 – 10 approves an amendment to contract PY20-WIOA-02 between the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board and Arbor E&T, LLC dba ResCare Workforce Services, now Equus, for Adult &
Dislocated workers Services, and authorizes the chair or vice-chair to sign the agreement
d) Resolution 20 – 11 approves the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board Bylaws Amendment
e) Resolution 20 - 12 approves a Letter of Commitment to Doña Ana Community College for their submission of a U.S. Department of Labor grant application and authorizes the board chair or vice-chair to sign the letter
f) Resolution 20 - 13 approves a modification to contract 19-004-PY18, Modification No: 004-PY18 Youth 063021 for WIOA Youth funding in the amount of $57,221 from the New Mexico Department of Workforce
Solutions that expire on June 30, 2021, and authorizes the chair or vice-chair to sign the agreement
IX. Reports and Information Items
a) Committee Reports
b) One-Stop Operator Report
c) Administrative and Financial Reports
X. Other
a) Member Input
XI. ***Public Comment (3-Minute Limit)
XII. Next Meeting
a) Special Meeting on Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
XIII. Adjournment
**Public comments can be emailed to before October 1, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. All public comments will be read at the meeting in the order received.
***Public comments may also be emailed during the meeting to All public comments will be read at the meeting in the order received.
Mission: The Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board's mission is to empower individuals in the region by providing them with the tools and training they need to acquire higher paying jobs based on the needs of local businesses. With an emphasis on economic and employer-driven goals, SAWDB's cooperative programs will cater to the region's unique employment needs, allowing for more effective distribution of federal funds and serving local employers by cultivating a highly skilled workforce.
The Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer and will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities who wish to attend a public meeting. Please provide notification at least 48 hours before the meeting by calling (575) 744-4857. Relay New Mexico: 711 (Voice) or 1-800-659-8331 (TTY).
Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor.