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SAWDB Partner Action Teams - February 26, 2021

The Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board (SAWDB) created Partner Action Teams to help develop objectives and initiatives to meet the goals in the Southwestern Area Local Four-Year Plan 2020-2023.

Partner Action Teams will consist of a concentrated group of workforce partners and stakeholders who will be involved in the Strategic Initiative Process. This process begins with convening the Partner Action Team, Develop Initiatives, Create a Concept Plan, This plan will be more descriptive answering the who, what, when, where, how, etc. The final step in the process is Implement, Measure, and Report. SAWDB committees will receive reports and status updates on the various initiatives and provide input including any recommendations they may have.

The first Partner Action Team meeting was held on Thursday, February 11, 2021 via Zoom. The topic of discussion for this meeting was Strategic Youth Initiatives and it included a work-session. Attendees were divided into two buzz groups where they discussed any current initiatives, upcoming initiatives, and ideas for new initiatives for both in-school youth (14-21) and out-of-school youth (16-24), as defined by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. After the buzz groups reconvened, they shared their ideas for proposed initiatives and a list was made of the top 10 they agreed they like.

This Partner Action Team will continue to meet and go through the process of implementing one or more youth initiatives.

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