Veteran Services
New Mexico Workforce Connection offers resources for transitioning service members, veterans, and military spouses.
Priority of Service
All veterans, and eligible spouses (see defn), who enter the Workforce Connection office get free priority of services offered to you. This means that you will bump to the front of the line every time and will be seen with little or no wait. This also includes a guaranteed spot to search for jobs or manage your WCOS account on a computer dedicated for veteran use only. Also, you will be able to view every job in our system for the first 24 hours upon posting to ensure that you have the opportunity to apply before anyone else.
Resume Building
Take the opportunity to speak with one of our trained professional veteran resume builders and learn how to properly format as well as express your representation of technical skills. This service includes translating your military and past work experience into a more presentable fashion to impress and convince employers of your value to their company. Also, this will also help you be able to navigate the Workforce Connection Online System (WCOS) with the resume building wizard.
Interviewing and Job Searching Skill Building
Our Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist can assist with your job hunt by helping you search and apply for the job you are looking for. Then train with our veteran services team to learn how to properly dress, speak, and execute in your own words to impress employers during interviews.
Referral Services
Not every problem can be solved at your local employment office. Workforce Connection understands this and has partnered with multiple agencies to get you the solutions you need. Whether you need tuition assistance for school, seek opportunities for extra certification, need help with housing, or are simply trying to get assistance with your disability, our veteran team has you covered. Talk to one of our DVOPs for more information about our partners: in house or locally.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
This is a tax credit that is available to all Employers that are hiring veterans that have a service-connected disability, a member of the family receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and/or are unemployed for a minimum of 4 weeks. There is also other qualified individual that may qualify for this tax credit as well such as: Ex-Felons, Designated Community Residents (DCR), Vocational Rehabilitation Participants, Summer Youth Employees, SNAP Benefit Recipients, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients, Long-Term Family Assistance Recipients, and Long-Term Unemployment Recipients.
For more information please click on the link Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).
Federal Bonding
This program acts as a financial buffer designed to reimburse the employer for any loss due to employee theft of money or property for up to $5000 for the first 6 months of the individuals employment. This will qualify mostly for individuals that are recently incarcerated but will also apply to some special criteria veterans as well. For more information, please click on the link Federal Bonding Program.
Hire VETS Medal Program
If you are an employer that is regularly hiring our veteran population, then we want you to be recognized for it. The Hire VETS Medal Program is a way we can show our appreciation for all that you have done for those that have served in our nation’s military. This medal is awarded to those employers that have a certain percentage of veteran employees and you will be able to show this medal with pride at your office and/or your website to let everyone know that you support our troops. To apply, please speak with your Local Veteran Employment Representative (LVER) for more information.
Veteran: Anyone who has spent at least 1 day of active duty within the United States Military to include: Army, Marines, Navy, Airforce, Coastguard, and Space Force as well as National Guard and Reserves.
Eligible Veteran: Anyone who qualifies as the term veteran AND has completed 180 days of Active Duty AFTER training.
Eligible Spouse: Anyone who was the spouse to an eligible veteran AND the veteran has 100% total disability from service connection, the veteran has passed away from a service connected disability, or if the veteran during active duty was one of the following: Missing in action, Captured in the line of duty by a hostile force, or forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power.
Fernando Caro
Disabled Veteran Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist
Email: fernando.caro@dws.nm.gov
Phone: (575) 288-9488
Amberly Viner
Disabled Veteran Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist
Email: amberly.viner@dws.nm.gov
Phone: (575) 288-9513